Pre-requisite & Installation

Ultimate WooCommerce Auction PRO plugin provide Credit Card Auto Debit addon.This addon used for payment of winning product.When user won auction product then user need to payment for product.For that we provide Credit Card Auto Debit addon.There is a payment option for the user.

Credit Card Auto Debit addon only work with WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway plugin.


Credit Card Auto Debit addon has pre-requisite.So first admin needs to followup pre-requisite of addon.WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway plugin is required to install in your site. Admin should have an account on stripe.User payments are debited to the stripe account of the admin.

Admin stripe account has to be configured with stripe payment gateway plugin.After that all payment process are enable.


Let's understand installation.

Step 1 -  First you need to install and active WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway plugin in wordpress dashboard. It is free to download.Here give the documentation link for Stripe Payment Gateway Plugin.

Step 2 - Go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Payment.Enable Stripe method.

Step 3 - Click set up button and Configuring strip parameters in form.

  • First enable stripe checkbox.
  • Add title and description detail which you want to display on credit card.
  • Next fillup Webhook Endpoints information.If you test payment process then enable test mode.
  • Admin needs to login stripe account,You can see there are 'Publishable Key' and 'Secret Key' available on account.This keys enter in form and enter statement descriptor.

  • Enable payment request button checkbox.
  • Enter detail for payment request button type, theme and height.
  • Enable Option for payment via saved cards and save changes. 

Step 4 - Go to Auctions -> License & Addon and activate Credit Card Auto Debit addon.

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