Auto Debit of Winning Bid
Let's understand by example.
Step 1 - Go to Products -> Add New.Admin creates auction product.
Step 2 - User bids $5 on this product.
Step 3 - Admin goes to Auctions list and choose awinner.
Step 4 - When the auction expires, then automatically the bidding amount is debited from the user credit card and transferred to the admin stripe account.
Step 5 - There are 3 way to checkout for won product.
- User get mail notification - this email display product name and bid amount."Pay Now" has replaced by "Get Item".By click get Item button user can checkout auction product. Did not provide auto debit amount details in the email.This email only display about winning bid and checkout link.
- Go up there product page and refresh.There are all the details of the won product.User can see the total bid amount.There is a message for won product.In this page total amount is equal to bid amount.But it will show total amount zero when you checkout product.There will be a "Get Item" button on product page.By click button user can checkout product.
Go to my account page -> Auctions -> Bids Won column.This include product status, bid amount and checkout product link.Under the "Bids Won" Common, it will show as many products as user won.There is a "Pay Now" button but user has not to pay for product because product amount debited already.Click "Pay Now" button and checkout product.
Step 6 - User will checkout product and fill in the billing information.The address will already be full because user entered the address when registered it.So the user will have to fill only name and optional fields.User also has the option to enter an extra address for that user has to turn on the "Ship to a different address?" button.
If you look at the other side, the order detail will appear.Total amount is zero as the payment is done.User has to place order by clicking the button "Place Order".
Step 7 - The admin will be notified of the user's payment on stripe acconut.Admin can view payment status is succeeded.It means payment process is complete.It also shows how much the user paid for product.So, admin can confirm the payment here.
Step 8 - Now admin will have to go admin dashboard for check order. Go to WooCommerce -> Orders.There the admin can see order status, user name and total amount.Total amount is zoro because payment is done.Order states is in progress at the moment but will complete when the order is placed.