Introduction & Plugin Configuration With Twilio
SMS Notification addon used for sending SMS notification to bidder.User bids on product, product get expire and user wins product.All these activities are notified by sending SMS notification to the user.So, usar finds out what's going on about auction product.This addon sends the following SMS notification to the bidder.
- Bid notification to self
- Outbid notification to outbid user
- Auction won for winner
- Ending soon for all bidders
Requirements for SMS Notification Addon
SMS Notification addon has pre-requisite.So first admin needs to followup pre-requisite of addon.The plugin has to be configured with Twilio.Admin should have an account on Twilio.Because addon only works with Twilio.Admin will get two twilio parameters that need to be entered in the addon setting.
- Account SID
- Auth Token
How to configure Plugin With Twilio
Step 1 - Go to Auctions -> License & Addon and activate SMS Notification addon.
Step 2 - Go to Auctions -> Settings -> Addons and do settings.
Collect Users mobile number during registration
- Display Country and Mobile number on default Wordpress Register form - This option indicates that if admin enables this option then country name & mobile number fields will displays on default wordpress register form.
- Display Country and Mobile number on WooCommerce My Account Page - This option indicates that the country name & mobile number will displays with registration form on my account page.First admin has to turn on the registration form from WooCommerce -> Settings -> Accounts and check option for it.
This option will work only after the admin turns on registration form on my account page.
When admin enables the checkbox, the country name and mobile number field will appear on my account page. Here user can register mobile number and country so that the user gets an SMS notification for bid activity.
Twilio Connection
Here the parameters of the Twilio account will be required.Admin will get the parameters by logging in to the Twilio account.
- Account SID - Account SID can be found on the Twilio account's dashboard.
- Auth Token - Auth Token can be found on the Twilio account's dashboard.
- From Number - This is trial number of admin twilio account.This will be mentioned on account dashboard.So, all these parameters will be found on the Twilio dashboard.
Send Test SMS
This section is for test SMS Notification.First enter mobile number but this number has to be verified in twilio account.For that go to twilio dashboard and varify your number.
Select country, enter mobile number and varify it.If you verify by call, the call will come.If you verify by text, OTP will come to your number.Enter the OTP and verify your number.
once varified your number after that enter mobile number, write test message and click send button in setting.Enter country code before mobile number.You can see below that the message has arrived.
Customer Notifications SMS
This setting is for enabling differant bid notification and customize messages.The admin can send as many notifications to the bidder as he wants by enable it.
- Enable Place Bid SMS - By enabling this option bidder will get SMS Notification.When user bids on a product, user will get sms notification for place bid.Here is an example of what kind of message the bidder will get."bid_value" will get the total bid amount and "product_id" will get id of bid product.Admin can customize this message.
- Enable Outbid SMS - By enabling this option bidder will get SMS Notification for outbid.When one user bids the highest, other bidder will get outbid message.Message will be sent as below."bid_value" will get highest value.It also include product link where bidder may bid highest.
- Enable Won SMS - By enabling this option bidder will get bid won message for auction product.User bids on a product, admin selects the winner and user wons a product.After such a process is done, the bidder gets won message.Below is a description of won message."product_id" will get id of product, "product_name" will get name of product and "this_pay_kink" will get product link on website.Click on link and there bidder can make payment.
- Enable Ending Soon SMS - When minimum time left for auction to expire, ending soon message will be send to bidder.Below is a description of ending soon message.Admin can customize message from here.
- Mention time left for the auction to close - If admin mentions 1 hour here, the message will be sent when there is 1 hour left for the product to expire. This message will go to all those who have bid on the product.
After Enabling ending soon SMS, admin has to setup ending soon SMS cron job Else ending soon SMS will not work,
- Ending soon SMS - This cron job is responsible to send an "Ending Soon" SMS based on the hours set inside the "Twillio Ending soon SMS" (under Twillio SMS Notification addon)
wget -q -O - >/dev/null 2>&1
- For more details, please refer - how to setup cron jobs