Plugin sends SMS notification to bidder

All users who have bid on the product will be sent a message by plugin to find out what activities are going on.

Step 1 - Admin creates a product on website.

Step 2 - Go to Auctions -> License & Addon -> Active SMS Notification Addon.

Step 3 - Go to Auctions -> Settings -> Addon and do setting as per document.Turn on as many notifications as you want to send to bidders.Set up twilio parameters in setting field and save changes.

Step 4 - User register on my account page(Phone number and country name also register). 

Step 5 - Many users bid on the product.

Step 6 - Now we see a different test cases in which the notification will be send to all bidders.

1) Place Bid - Registered user bids $4 on a test product.The user will receive SMS Notification for bidding product.Total bid amount and product id Mention in this message.

2) Outbid - User-A bids $3 on a test product.When user-B bids $4 on same product, user-A gets SMS notification for outbid.Outbid occurs when a user bids higher than other.So, user-A will get the following message.This message include product id, product name, highest bid amount, product link.Highest bid is $4 which is placed by user-B.This message also provides a link to the product.New highest bids can be made by clicking there.

3) Won bid - When user bids highest amount, the admin selects the winner.User gets the message of winning product like below.This message includes product id, product name and payment link for product.Users can make a payment by clicking on that link.Go to checkout page and place order.

4) Ending Soon - Admin has decide limited time for bidding on the product.For example 24 hours are available to bid on the product.Many users have bid on the product.Ending soon message will be sent to all bidders.For example set 1 hour in the below field.when 1 hour left to expired the product, plugin will send message to all bidders.

After Enabling ending soon SMS, admin has to setup ending soon SMS cron job Else ending soon SMS will not work,

  • Ending soon SMS - This cron job is responsible to send an "Ending Soon" SMS based on the hours set inside the "Twillio Ending soon SMS"  (under Twillio Sms Notification addon)
  • wget -q -O - >/dev/null 2>&1
  • For more details, please refer - how to setup cron jobs

This message includes the product id and product name.

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