Countdown Timer

1) Countdown timer shortcode 

In Auction PRO plugin, there is shortcode available using which any auction product's countdown timer can add in any template.

Countdown shortcode - [countdown id="%product_id%"]

countdown timer shortcode has only one parameter "id" and "%product_id%" is ID of woocommerce auction product


 [countdown id="295"]
Here 295 is ID of woocommerce auction product
It will look like below,

2) Countdown timer settings

A) Disable timer on auction detail page

If Admin don't want to show timer on auction detail  page then he can disable it using auction settings

- Go to WP-Admin >> Auctions >> Settings >> Display
- Checked option -- "Disable Timer on Auction Detail Page" in auction detail page settings

B) Disable timer on shop or auction shortcode page

If Admin don't want to show timer on shop, category or any auction shortcode page then he can disable it using auction settings

- Go to WP-Admin >> Auctions >> Settings >> Display
- Unchecked option -- "Enable Timer" in shop page settings

C) Display countdown timer in simple or compact format

There are mainly two types of format for countdown timer - Simple and Compact and default format used by auction plugin is Compact format which displays like below,

To change compact format to simple :

- Go to WP-Admin >> Auctions >> Settings >> Display
- Checked option -- "Enable simple format and Hide compact countdown format" in auction detail page settings

Simple format displays countdown timer in a simple way in which months,weeks, days will display in short forms, It will display like below,

3) Countdown date time format

Admin can change format of countdown timer, default format is " yowdHMS"  where

y for years, o for months, w for weeks,
d for dates, H for hours, M for minutes and S for seconds

and format will be used like,

Use the following characters (in order) to indicate what you want to display: 'Y' for years, 'O' for months, 'W' for weeks, 'D' for days, 'H' for hours, 'M' for minutes, 'S' for seconds.    Use upper-case characters for mandatory periods, or the corresponding lower-case characters for optional periods, i.e. only display if non-zero. Once one optional period is shown, all the ones after that are also shown.   

Admin can change countdown timer format in auction settings

- Go to WP-Admin >> Auctions >> Settings >> Display
- Change the format in "the format for the countdown display"

4) Change color of countdown timer

The color of the countdown timer can be changed. Admin has to add CSS for a countdown timer. This can happen in two ways.

Login to dashboard

Step -1 Login to the admin dashboard.

Step 2 Go to Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS

Step 3 Add below css code there.Add the color code you want.

.hasCountdown {
     background-color: #F0D8DF !important;
     color: #44424e !important;

Step 4 After add CSS, click publish button.

CSS file of the theme

In this, Admin will have to do a change in the CSS file of the current theme. Go to the active theme folder. Open the theme CSS file, add the above code there and save the file.

All the places where the countdown timer is displayed will change the color. You can see below, countdown timer color is changed.

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