Export Expired Auctions CSV
Ultimate WooCommerce Auction pro plugin provides a feature to export all the winners bidding information into a CSV file.
The admin/seller can export all the winning information such as auction name, bidder's name, and their email address with their highest bid, expiry dates along with its reason into a CSV file.
To export the winner's information, navigate to Auctions > Auctions. You will have a screen something like the below screenshot.
There are two buttons: Your Auctions & User Auctions on the left side and one button Export Expired Auctions CSV on the right side of the screen.
Your Auctions:
Your Auctions will show the list of products created by the site administrator.
If you choose Your Auction and Click on the Export Expired Auctions CSV button then it will export the list of expired Auctions with the winners and only those auctions export in CSV which are created by you(admin).
User Auctions:
User Auctions will show the list of products created by the Store Vendor, Shop manager, and Administrator created by the admin.
If you choose User Auction and Click on the Export Expired Auctions CSV button then it will export the list of expired Auctions with the winners and only those auctions export in CSV which are created by the user(shop vendor/manager, administrator).
You as an admin can change/assign the role of a user from Users > All Users > Role like the below-mentioned screenshot.
The Live/Expire/Future Auction will show the auction product respectfully in both.
The CSV file will contain only winners and Reserve Not Met products information.