How Bidding Fee for Users addon works
If the Fee for Bidding addon is activated, Bidder has to pay a fee for placing a bid on the auction product.
When a bidder places a bid on an auction product and if he did not pay for the bid fee, a below alert box will be displayed with the default text and "Pay fee" button.
Note:- if the admin set his custom message and custom text for the button then that will be displayed in an alert box.
By clicking on the "Pay Fee" button, it will redirect to the checkout page where only the fee amount will be added and Bidder has to place the order.
If the bidder will not pay the fee, the "Pay Fee" button always redirects to the checkout page.
Once the order is placed, Admin will check the order and when payment is done for the fee, he will change the order status to "Completed". The bidder can place a bid on an auction product only when his order is completed.
Let's take an example to understand the process of bidding fees --
Products :
2) BMW
3) Mercedes
User: John
When option 1 is enabled - "Do you want users to pay a one time fee to bid for any product?"
John places bid for AUDI --
a) he will get an alert message to pay a fee
b) he will pay for bid fee
c) admin completes his order
result: Now he can place a bid on any product (Audi, BMW, or Mercedes) on the site.
When option 2 is enabled - "Do you want users to pay a fee each time they bid on a new product?"
John places bid for AUDI --
a) he will get an alert message to pay a fee
b) he will pay for bid fee
c) admin completes his order
result: Now he can place a bid on a product (Audi) on the site.
John places bid for BMW --
a) he will get an alert message to pay a fee
b) he will pay for bid fee
c) admin completes his order
result: Now he can place a bid on a product (BMW) on the site.
the same process will be applied to the other products on the site means when option - 2 is enabled, the bidder has to pay a fee for every product individually in which he wants to place a bid.