What is a Buy Now price
Buy Now price gives an option to users to purchase the item immediately at a fixed price and bypass the bidding process.
Since our plugin is based on WooCommerce, the way we have implemented Buy Now feature is below:
- When a user clicks the Buy Now option, then the product is added to his cart.

- The user can then go to his cart and check the product.
- The user then is taken to the "Place Order" page to enter his shipping details etc and upon place an order, the auction is expired.
There is an option to disable the buy it now button once bidding has reached the reserve price. To enable/disable this feature navigate to Auctions > Settings and on the Auction tab page and scroll down to the bottom of the page. There is an option for Disable the Buy It Now. If enabled then it will disable the button once bidding has reached the reserve price.