3. Settings inside WooCommerce: Shipping charges, taxes, enabling registration.

In This Article

Enabling Registration Form

You need to know that how to enable the registration form on my account page. So, users can register here.

Navigate to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Accounts and enable registration on the "My Account" page.

How To Specify Shipping Charges

Before the use of WooCommerce, you need to enable shipping options and add shipping information.

Go To WooCommerce -> Settings and go to general options. Give options for select shipping location first, you need to select a location and click the button "Save Changes".

You can see a new tab activated called "Shipping".Click the button "Add shipping zone" and fill information. First, enter zone information and add shipping methods. There is 3 type of shipping method, you need to select any one of three.

  • Flat Rate
  • Free Shipping
  • Local Pickup.

Once you select shipping methods. You can add costs by edit shipping methods from the list.

If you want to know more about shipping and options then Here is the WooCommerce website for shipping to read their documentation.


Before start using of WooCommerce, you need to Setting up taxes and tax rates is one of the important processes. First of all, enable tax options from Setting -> General Options. Check the "Enable taxes" option and save changes.

Go To : WooCommerce > Settings > Tax. This tab is only visible if taxes are enabled. The Tax tab displays several options.

Prices entered with tax 
  • “Yes, I will enter prices inclusive of tax” means that all catalog prices are input using your store’s base tax rate.
  • “No, I will enter prices exclusive of tax” would mean that your catalog prices need to be tax exclusive.

Calculate tax based on 

This setting determines which address is used for tax calculations.

  • Customer billing address
  • Customer shipping address (default)
  • Store base address

Shipping tax class

In most setups, shipping tax class is inherited from the item being shipped

  • Standard
  • Reduced Rate
  • Zero Rate


If you enable the Rounding tax at the subtotal level, instead of per line, the rounding is done at the Subtotal level. Check your tax jurisdiction to know if this is done.

Display prices in the shop:

How prices are displayed in your shop/catalog. Choose from an inclusive/exclusive tax display.

Display prices during cart and checkout

How prices are displayed in your cart and checkout pages – it works independently of your catalog prices. Choose from an inclusive/exclusive tax display.

If you want to know more about tax options and configuration then here is the WooCommerce website for the tax to read their documentation.

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