How to change Bid Button Label

Pro Plugin provides two buttons for bidding:

  • Button 1: Directly Bid
  • Button 2: Custom Bid

If you wish to change text of any of the two buttons then please add below hook to your active theme's functions.php file.

add_filter('ultimate_woocommerce_auction_bid_button_text',  'your_function_name_here', 10, 2);

function your_function_name_here($button_text, $product)

/* to change text of directly bid button */

if (strtolower($button_text) == "directly bid")

$new_button_text =  __( 'Directly Bid', 'woo_ua' );
return $new_button_text;

/* to change text of custom bid button */

if (strtolower($button_text) == "custom bid"){
$new_button_text =  __( 'Bid Now', 'woo_ua' );
return $new_button_text;
return $button_text;

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