How Admin can take membership charges using WCFM Marketplace
Topic in article
- How to set payment methods for membership
- Payment process for premium membership
Many Vendor registers in admin site for create their own shop.Admin create different plans for vendor charges. Admin creates different membership using WCFM - WooCommerce Multivendor Membership plugin. Admin needs to install and active this plugin into site.
Go to admin store manager -> membership. The membership list is displayed here created by admin. If admin wants to create new membership, click on "Add new" button. For memnbership settings click setting button.This Two things are shown in the image below
How to set payment methods for membership
First admin has to go to Membership -> Setting -> Payment setting menu. From here admin can set payment method for vendor.
First option is "Payment Methods". There are three payment methods available for membership payment. The admin can select as many option as he want from below list.
- PayPal
- Credit or Debit Card (Stripe)
- Bank Transfer
1) PayPal - If admin selects this option as a payment method, admin has to integrate "PayPal Email" for his paypal account.
2) Credit or Debit Card (Stripe) - If admin selects this option as a payment method, admin has to integrate "Publishable Key" and "Secret Key" for his stripe account.
3) Bank Transfer - If admin selects this option as a payment method, admin has to integrate "Bank Details" for his bank account.
Payment process for premium membership
Step 1 - Vendor need to click button "subscribe now" for further process. If the admin has set the registration option then the vendor will have to register first for purchase membership.In below image, membership plane display total amount and time duration.
Step 2 - Now vendor need to add username and email into below form. After fill information click "conform" button.
Step 3 - Select payment method from list. It display all the payment methods that the admin has set. Select and click "proceed" button.
Step 4 - After that the form will be open as follows. It includes payment card details , email , card name and country. Vendor have to add all details in below form. Membership name and charge also define in left site. After enter all details click pay button.
Step 5 - It confirms the vendor for a successful payment process.
Step 6 - Admin can conform payment by check stripe account. Login to stripe dashboard. There admin get email for payment.